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Patient Exam

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We’ve all got our reasons for starting our wellness journey. And because no two bodies are the same, the more advanced your treatment program, the more customized it becomes.

The first step is setting up a Consultation to review an in-depth medical and fitness review.

Next steps are providing a thorough Neurological Examination and Orthopedic Examination.

Lastly, the Functional Assessment, which includes a movement screen and postural analysis.

Functional Assessments are important to identify movement patterns because faulty movement patterns can lead to pain, injury and decreased performance. During the functional assessment the patient will be asked to perform specific functional movements, which will be recorded by video and analyzed by functional movement software.

Your chiropractor will evaluate your functional assessment results, history, and objectives to create your personal roadmap. Since needs, goals and lives change, the conversation between you and your doctor will play a vital role in your success. Because at the end of the day, it’s about upgrading your wellness journey — while living your life.


Examples of Functional Movements


Although some may associate an overhead squat important only for athletics, it is essential for every person to perform correctly to remain functional.


Good posture is simple and eloquent by design in form and function. The body is designed to have the head, rib cage, and pelvis perfectly balanced upon one another in both the front and side views.
